General News

Minister Hugh Hilton Todd met with Retired Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland during the 78th UNGA session in New York.

The meeting followed the convening of the Meeting of the Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Guyana (CMGG) where updates were provided on recent developments regarding the Guyana-Venezuela Border Controversy.

The CMGG was established at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Durban, in 1999, with the mandate to monitor further developments in respect of the existing controversy.

Yesterday, President Dr. Irfaan Ali participated in a working luncheon hosted by the executive team of the United States Chambers of Commerce, led by Neil Herrington, the Senior Vice President for the Americas Department.

During the engagement in Washington, DC, investment opportunities, including in Guyana’s health, education, ICT, infrastructure and eco-tourism sectors; Guyana’s global leadership on food, energy, and climate security, especially as it relates to the preservation of forests and expanding the partnership between the chambers and Guyana’s local private sector were discussed.

The US Chamber officials praised President Ali’s development vision for Guyana, and the “unprecedented growth” the country has gone through over the last three years.

His Excellency President Dr Irfaan Ali met with the US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan in Washington, DC, on Friday.

During the meeting, President Ali discussed the strong partnership between Guyana and the United States and reaffirmed Guyana's leadership on global issues such as food, energy, and climate security.

Sullivan applauded Guyana for its leadership role, especially in CARICOM and the UN on global issues.

His Excellency President Dr Irfaan Ali attended the Protocolary Meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS) that was convened to receive him at its headquarters in Washington, DC this morning.

The President's address to the OAS unequivocally emphasized the imperative of democracy, the rule of law, and Guyana's unparalleled global leadership in critical areas such as climate, energy, and food security.

Brief discussions were also held with the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro and an executive team.

His Excellency President Dr Irfaan Ali attended a dinner meeting hosted by members of the United States of American Congressional Caribbean Caucus at Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, on Wednesday night.

In attendance were representative of New York, Congressman Gregory Meeks; Representative for Illinois' First Congressional District, Jonathan Jackson; Representative for New York's 9th congressional district, Yvette Clarke; Representatives from Texas's 9th district, Al Green, representative for Ohio's 3rd congressional district Joyce Beatty, and Ben Crump, Leading Civil Rights Lawyer, among others.

La Mancomunidad de Naciones apoya a Guyana frente a Venezuela

La Secretaria General del Commonwealth, [Mancomunidad de Naciones] la Excma. Sra. Patricia Scotland, KC, ha expresado su profunda preocupación por la decisión adoptada el 21 de septiembre por la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela de celebrar un referéndum sobre el estatuto de la región del Esequibo, que forma parte del territorio soberano del Gobierno de la República Cooperativa de Guyana.

Declaración conjunta de Su Excelencia Dr. Mohammed Irfan Ali, Presidente de la República Cooperativa de Guyana y el Honorable Sr. Aubrey C. Norton, M.P. Líder de la Oposición.

Su Excelencia el Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Presidente de la República Cooperativa de Guyana y el Sr. Aubrey C. Norton, MP., Líder de la Oposición, se reunieron en la Oficina del Presidente el martes 24 de octubre de 2023 para discutir la amenaza existencial de Venezuela a la soberanía y la integridad territorial de Guyana. 

Joint statement by His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and Honourable Mr Aubrey C. Norton, M.P. Leader of the Opposition.

His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and Mr
Aubrey C. Norton, MP., Leader of the Opposition met at the Office of the President on Tuesday
October 24, 2023, to discuss the existential threat by Venezuela to Guyana’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity.