
Explanation of Vote delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, on behalf of the A3+, at Adoption of Security Council Resolution on Somalia

Madam President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+ Member States, namely Algeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia and my own country Guyana.

At the outset, the A3+ extends its congratulations to Denmark on its assumption of the Presidency of the Council for the month of March. We pledge our full support to your delegation in the execution of this important function.

Statement delivered by Ambassador Toufik Koudri, Deputy Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, on behalf of the A3+, at the Security Council Briefing on the situation in Sudan

Thank You Mr President,
I have the honor to deliver this joint Statement on behalf of the A3+ members, namely, Guyana, Sierra Leone, Somalia and my own Country, Algeria.

We wish to thank Mrs Edem Wosornu for her briefing. We also welcome the participation of the Representatives of Sudan, Angola, Kenya and Egypt to this meeting.

Statement delivered by Ambassador Trishala Persaud, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., Permanent Mission of Guyana to the United Nations at the UNSC meeting on “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question”

Mr. President,

Thank you for convening today’s meeting. I also thank Acting Special Coordinator Ms. Sigrid Kaag for her briefing and have taken careful note of the perspectives offered by Mr. Levy. I commend Ms. Noa Argamni for her bravery during her harrowing ordeal and for sharing her experience with us today.

Mr. President,

Explanation of Vote delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, at the Adoption of the Security Council Resolution on Ukraine

Mr. President, 
Guyana acknowledges the efforts of the United States aimed at achieving a peaceful resolution to the three-year old war in Ukraine. At the outset, Guyana stresses the importance of an inclusive and transparent path to that end, involving all concerned parties. 

Explanation of Vote delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, at the Adoption of Security Council Resolution on the Democratic Republic of Congo

Thank you, Mr. President,

Guyana welcomes the adoption of the resolution on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Council’s firm response to the ongoing crisis in eastern DRC. We thank France, the penholder,  for their efforts in bringing us to this point.

Guyana voted for the resolution with the hope that today’s decision by the Security Council will provide positive momentum to the regional efforts to achieve a ceasefire, prevent any further escalations and ultimately find a sustainable political solution to this decades-long conflict.

Statement delivered by H.E. Abukar Dahir Osman, Permanent Representative of Somalia to the United Nations, on behalf of the A3+, at the Security Council Briefing on 'The situation in the Central African Republic'

Mr. President,

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+, namely, Algeria. Guyana, Sierra Leone, and my own country Somalia. 

We thank Ms. Valentine Rugwabiza, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of MINUSCA and Ms. Portia Deya Abazenethe President of the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs of the Central African Republic (FAFECA) for their informative briefings to the Council on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR). 

Statement delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the United Nations, at the United Nations Security Council meeting on “The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo”

Mr. President,

Guyana welcomes the urgent convening of this meeting given the recent developments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), particularly in Bukavu. I thank SRSG Keita and Mr. Xia for their briefings.

I welcome the participation of Her Excellency Ms. Thérèse Wagner, State Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophonie of the DRC and also the Permanent Representatives of several other African countries in this meeting.

Mr. President,