Statement delivered by Ms. Neishanta Benn, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Guyana to the United Nations, during the Briefing on Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

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Thank you, Madam President,

I thank Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo and Mr. Leff for their briefings. I also acknowledge the presence of the Representatives of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ukraine and the European Union in this meeting.

Madam President,

Guyana reiterates its condemnation of all ballistic missile launches in 2024 by the DPRK in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions. We urge the DPRK to adhere scrupulously to its obligations under these resolutions, to abandon its nuclear weapons programme as well as its ballistic missile programme, and to destroy all other existing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). We also encourage all Member States to comply with and implement the relevant Council resolutions related to the DPRK.

In this regard, we stress that any military engagements with the DPRK should fully align with international law and with these resolutions.

Madam President,

The Security Council, through the 1718 Committee, maintains its mandate of overseeing the implementation of the measures outlined in Council resolutions related to the DPRK, despite the expiration of the mandate of the Committee’s Panel of Experts. We recall that the fulfillment of the objectives of Security Council resolutions is critical for reducing tensions on the Korean Peninsula through a peaceful and comprehensive solution.  To this end, we will continue to support alternative options within the Council that seek to address the gaps in reporting and monitoring the sanctions related to the DPRK. We stress that a continuous flow of information on the implementation of the DPRK sanctions regime remains critical to the work of the Committee in the execution of its mandate.

Additionally, Guyana believes that dialogue and diplomacy remain critical for resolving the tensions on the Peninsula. In this regard, we again urge the resumption of dialogue among all concerned parties so that progress can be achieved in de-escalating the tensions. 

Madam President,

In conclusion, Guyana reaffirms its commitment to the Council’s efforts to bring about full compliance with its resolutions related to the DPRK, including through the 1718 Sanctions Committee. We also reaffirm our commitment to the advancement of the global non-proliferation and disarmament agenda and call on States that have not yet done so to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). We further reiterate our support for the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, which we believe is one of the key aspirations to achieving a world free of nuclear weapons and ensuring international peace and security.

I thank you!