Explanation of Vote delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, at the Adoption of the Security Council Resolution on Ukraine

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Mr. President, 
Guyana acknowledges the efforts of the United States aimed at achieving a peaceful resolution to the three-year old war in Ukraine. At the outset, Guyana stresses the importance of an inclusive and transparent path to that end, involving all concerned parties. 

Mr. President,
Guyana believes that the resolution just adopted is an important step towards a peaceful end of the war. Notwithstanding, my delegation believes there would have been added value in affirming support for the principles and purposes of the Charter, particularly the obligation of Member States to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.  This is the reason that Guyana voted in support of the third amendment tabled by the delegations of the United Kingdom, France, Slovenia, Denmark and Greece, since the proposal addressed this important priority in addition to emphasizing  a just and lasting peace.

Notwithstanding the omission of this element, Guyana supported the text recognizing that it is an important contribution towards efforts aimed at ending the war. Our support for the resolution was also premised on the understanding that whatever agreements are made to secure an end to the war, will be consistent with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter.

As we have consistently reaffirmed, there is no military solution to this conflict, therefore, as the parties move towards implementation of this resolution, Guyana urges the prioritization of dialogue and diplomacy as the only viable path to peace.

For its part, Guyana remains committed to engaging constructively with all members of this Council and in any other diplomatic efforts that can secure a just and lasting peace between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

I thank you.