Statement delivered by H.E. Abukar Dahir Osman, Permanent Representative of Somalia to the United Nations, on behalf of the A3+, at the Security Council Briefing on 'The situation in the Central African Republic'

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Mr. President,

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+, namely, Algeria. Guyana, Sierra Leone, and my own country Somalia. 

We thank Ms. Valentine Rugwabiza, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of MINUSCA and Ms. Portia Deya Abazenethe President of the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs of the Central African Republic (FAFECA) for their informative briefings to the Council on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR). 

We also acknowledge the presence of the representative of the Central African Republic in this meeting.

We extend our gratitude to the UN personnel serving in CAR, as well as Troop Contributing Countries for their unwavering dedication to peace and stability in the CAR. The A3+ strongly condemns the killing of a Tunisian peacekeeper of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), on 11th February 2025, near the village of Zobassinda, while conducting a patrol to protect civilians. We express our deepest condolences to the family of the peacekeeper, the Government and people of Tunisia as well as MINUSCA. 

We reiterate that attacks against UN peacekeepers in CAR are a violation of international humanitarian law, and we urge all parties to the conflict to ensure their protection. 

Mr. President,

The A3+ is concerned about the multi-dimensional challenges facing the Central African Republic, and  we wish to make three points in this regard. 

First, we commend the Government’s continued efforts to implement the Political Agreement for peace and reconciliation. We are encouraged by the positive developments on deepening decentralization, national cohesion and peaceful transhumance activities.

Noting the progress made in implementing the Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration (DDRR) program with the support of MINUSCA, we urge the Government to ensure that DDRR operations are conducted within the national programme and in the context of a comprehensive economic empowerment and development agenda.  In this regard, we further urge those armed groups that have not done so, to cease hostilities and participate in the political dialogue and peace initiatives. 

Despite security, logistical and financial challenges, preparations towards local, legislative and presidential elections are progressing and must be supported. We emphasize the need for an open and constructive dialogue between the government and opposition parties to create conditions for peaceful, inclusive, and transparent elections.

The A3+ calls for concerted efforts to ensure that all eligible citizens are registered during the first and second phases of voter registration, with particular attention to women, youth, minorities, and internally displaced persons as well as returnees. This will further strengthen a CAR-owned and led political process.  In this regard, we urge MINUSCA and other development partners to prioritize electoral support, including through financial contributions to the Basket Fund managed by the UNDP, strengthening confidence-building measures, and promoting inclusiveness so that the outcomes of the election will be credible and reflect the will of the people of CAR. 

We encourage the Government to consider restructuring the National Electoral Authority and the Constitutional Council in order to increase the inclusivity of the upcoming elections. We wish to underline that the success of the local election process is essential for the strengthening of direct democracy, legitimacy, local development and the extension of State authority throughout the national territory.

Second, on the security front, despite some gains achieved in different parts of the country, the A3+ remains concerned about instability in areas in the northwest and east, with armed confrontations concentrated around mining sites and along transhumance corridors, exacerbating internal displacement and the humanitarian crisis.  We note that the conflict in Sudan continues to have implications for peace and stability in CAR. We call for reinforced efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees and displaced persons, while also enhancing border security to prevent spillover violence.

Given the importance of strengthening the porous borders and internal security, we welcome the inauguration of the Bembéré multiservice border post, the first ever multiservice border post in the Central African Republic, built with the support of MINUSCA. The inauguration of this border post, coupled with the reactivation of the bilateral joint commission with Chad, will contribute to enhancing security and economic cooperation across the Great Lakes region.  We call for enhanced border security measures to curb the movement of armed groups and illicit arms trafficking, which continue to destabilize parts of CAR and by fully implementing the border management policies.

Third, the A3+ notes with concern that human rights violations and abuses increased by during the reporting period. We continue to strongly condemn persistent violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights, particularly conflict-related sexual violence and violations against children. We call for the protection of civilians and accountability measures to address the human rights violations and abuse, bearing in mind the threat they pose to social cohesion and stability. The A3+ commends the Government of CAR for the signing of the Handover Protocol on the Protection and Transfer of Children associated with armed forces with the United Nations and urge that further measures be taken to protect conflict-affected children and end their recruitment and use by armed forces and armed groups. 

Mr. President,

Impunity perpetuates the cycle of gender-based sexual violence in CAR and undermines efforts to protect peace and development.   We call for an enhanced role for the strategic committee on the fight against Gender-Based Violence through the implementation of the revised National Action Plan on sexual violence in conflict.  Community-based initiatives to address human rights violations and help survivors of gender-based violence must be fully supported. 

We remain deeply concerned about the dire humanitarian situation. With over 3 million people facing food insecurity and increasing numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, compounded by climate change-related flooding, the humanitarian crisis in CAR is deteriorating.  Humanitarian responses by OCHA, UNHCR and other institutions must be well-coordinated to maximize complementarities, including national structures and systems. We urge international partners to increase financial support to address the shortfalls in the humanitarian response plan and ensure that it meets the humanitarian needs in CAR.

Before concluding, Mr. President, the A3+ would like to welcome the lifting of the restrictions on diamond exports, last November, which was imposed by the Kimberley process since 2013. This will enhance the Government in the implementation of the National Development Plan 2024-2028 and improve the economic situation in CAR. 

We reiterate our strong support for the efforts of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central African Republic and MINUSCA in assisting the Government and people of the Central African Republic in their efforts to bring lasting peace and stability, as mandated by the Security Council in resolution 2759 (2024). We note the initiative of MINUSCA to enhance opportunities for local economic development through seminars and other initiatives in various locations in the Central African Republic. The seminars have been instrumental in educating potential vendors about United Nations procurement requirements in order to enhance local participation in the Mission’s procurement activities, in compliance with the United Nations financial regulations and rules.

Mr. President, 

In conclusion, the A3+ remains firmly committed to the independence, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of the Central African Republic. We reiterate our call for all armed groups, including foreign actors, to cease their destructive actions in CAR and allow the implementation of a comprehensive peace process. The government of CAR must be able to positively harness and judiciously manage its natural resources to attain peace and sustainable development for its people.  We underscore the importance of respecting the sanctions regime against the armed groups, as part of efforts to address the conflict in the country, and to fully implement the 2019 Peace and Reconciliation Agreement, whose sixth anniversary was celebrated earlier this month.

I thank you.