Statement delivered by H.E. Amar Bendjama, Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, on behalf of the A3+, at the Security Council Briefing on 'The situation in the Middle East' - Syria
Mr. President,
I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the members of the A3+, namely Guyana, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and my own country Algeria.
The A3+ would like to thank Special Envoy Geir Pedersen and USG Tom Flecther for their valuable briefings. We have also listened carefully to Ms. Joumana Seif .
Mr. President,
At the outset, the A3+ reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Syria that confronts today, grave security, humanitarian, political and economic challenges.
These fundamental principles cannot be sustained in the absence of civil peace among Syria's diverse communities and the cessation of external interference in the country's internal affairs.
We reiterate our strong condemnation of the summary killings carried out recently in Syria's coastal provinces.
It is imperative to emphasize that civilians, regardless of their background, must be protected under all circumstances, in line with international humanitarian law.
The A3+ also reiterates its call for accountability and looks forward to the report of the committee established by the interim authorities to investigate thoroughly the attacks and identify those responsible.
Further compounding the security challenges are the ongoing IDF airstrikes against military sites in Syria’s territory; also are the alarming statements by Israeli officials about the "indefinite" presence of their forces in Syrian territory and their intention to establish a "demilitarized area" in southern Syria, all of which violate Syria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
The A3+ condemns such irresponsible statements and actions which will only exacerbate regional instability. We stress that the Golan Heights is an occupied Syrian territory, as reaffirmed by Security Council Resolution 497 (1981), and we call for full respect for the 1974 Disengagement Agreement, including its provisions regarding the Area of Separation.
Mr. President,
The challenges confronting Syria requires the full support and solidarity of the international community. The A3+ stresses the importance of building a Syria that is inclusive of all its citizens, free from any form of discrimination, and that embraces the aspirations of all Syrians.
We believe that the establishment of a committee to promote civil peace and reconciliation, and to promote and facilitate communication between communities, is essential for achieving lasting peace in Syria. In this regard, mechanisms for truth- seeking, transitional justice, and community-based reconciliation anchored in Syrian ownership, should be encouraged.
The A3+ acknowledges the constitutional declaration made on March 13, and emphasizes the need for an inclusive transition process in Syria. In this regard, the A3+ takes note of the agreement signed on March 10 by the leadership of the interim authorities and the SDF and calls on all actors to support a nationwide ceasefire.
Differences should be resolved through dialogue, through negotiations, and the guns must be silenced to allow humanitarian access, to protect civilians, and to enable early recovery efforts.
The A3+ reiterates its support for the Special Envoy's efforts to assist the interim Syrian authority to organize a political transition, guided by an inclusive, Syrian-led, and Syrian-owned political process, facilitated by the United Nations, and based on the key principles outlined in Resolution 2254.
Mr. President,
The humanitarian situation in Syria remains catastrophic, and substantial efforts are required to improve it. All fields have been severely impacted by the crisis. To address these challenges, the Syrian people need the continued support and solidarity of the international community, including sustained and unimpeded humanitarian access.
The A3+ acknowledges the burden of prolonged displacement and underlines the need to prioritize social reintegration programs for returnees and to also prioritize access to basic public services, to ensure durable solutions.
The A3+ takes note of the pledges and commitments made during the Brussels Conference on 17th March and hopes that they will soon be fulfilled, and the Humanitarian Response Plan will be fully funded.
With one of the most severe displacement crises in the world, displaced Syrians, both inside and outside the country, must be a guaranteed safe, dignified, and voluntary return to their homes. While we note that more than 1.2 million IDPs and refugees have returned home since November 2024, obstacles to return remain.
If we are sincere in our commitment to supporting Syria's transition, we must provide Syrians with the means to rebuild their country. Without rapid economic recovery, it will be difficult to envision a safe and prosperous future for Syrians. In this regard, Guyana, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Algeria firmly believe that the swift lifting of unilateral sanctions is essential.
Mr. President,
The situation in Syria remains volatile. The international community stands at a crossroads between the hope for a brighter future and the fear of further descent into chaos in Syria. Let us do everything we can to help Syrians – all Syrians, build the country to which they have long aspired. The Security Council must act with unity, with resolve, and with humanity to support the Syrian transition process and prevent a relapse into violence.
Thank you.