Statement delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, at Security Council Briefing on 'Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts'

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Thank you, President,

I thank USG Vladimir Voronkov and Executive Director Natalia Gherman for their briefs.  


Terrorism today remains a grave and urgent threat to international peace and security. Only last month, we gathered in this very room to discuss the increasingly devastating impact of terrorism on the African continent. One important takeaway from that discussion is the fact that terrorism is evolving.  With this evolution, we are seeing shifts in the means and motivations for terrorist activities, growing interlinkages between criminal and terrorist groups, and increased use of information and communications technologies, including gaming and social media platforms to bolster resources and recruitment, and to aid radicalization. Modern technology is also being misused for coordinating attacks. 

The Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team has reported extensively on the increased risk of online radicalization and recruitment targeting youth and minors and the growing use of cryptocurrencies by ISIL (Da’esh). 

The Secretary General’s 20th report on the threats posed by ISIL has also sounded the alarm about the potential use of artificial intelligence by terrorist groups given the widespread accessibility of advanced technology and experiments with artificial intelligence. Also, alarming is the fact that Member States have reported a decrease in the average age of those being radicalized to terrorism. 


Terrorism knows no boundaries. It is not confined to any specific group, country, or region. Addressing the security challenges alone will not result in sustainable solutions. Combating terrorism requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. In this context, Guyana commends the efforts of the international community and regional and sub-regional organizations, to look beyond strict security concerns to strengthen cooperation in development-related causes and solutions. The interlinkages between poverty, inequality, and marginalization, and terrorism and violent extremism are undeniable. 

To address the root causes, therefore, we must continue to prioritize socio-economic initiatives that empower communities, enhance educational opportunities, and create purposeful jobs, especially for our young people. Poverty and the consequent vulnerability of our young people in the absence of opportunities for a better life create fertile grounds for recruitment by terrorists. We also see an increasingly important role for the media and civil society, including academics and faith-based groups, in combating both terrorism and the violent extremism that can fuel it.

Guyana acknowledges and commends the efforts of the United Nations in the continued support being extended to Member States, including in the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and relevant Security Council resolutions. Through our combined efforts, we have seen marked improvements in criminalization of terrorist offences, intelligence sharing, border security, cross-regional and international cooperation, prevention policies and interventions, and improved counter-terrorism strategies among others. 

Notwithstanding these achievements, our goal of eradicating this scourge cannot be achieved without making real progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We must ensure that the Pact of the Future turbo charges SDG implementation as was intended. In this way we can scale up preventive measures through addressing the root causes of terrorism, including poverty and marginalization.  

Additionally, our efforts must extend to supporting the victims of terrorism. We must provide them with the necessary assistance and ensure that their voices are heard. The perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions, and justice must be served. 


In closing, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.  The security and well-being of our people is at stake. Together, we can build a safer, more secure world for future generations.

I thank you.