Statement delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, on behalf of the A3+, at the Security Council Briefing on 'The situation in Libya'

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Thank you, Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+, namely Algeria, Somalia, Sierra Leone, and my own country Guyana. 

We extend our thanks to USG DiCarlo for her insightful briefing. We also take this opportunity to congratulate SRSG Hannah Tetteh on her recent appointment as Special Representative for Libya and Head of UNSMIL. We thank Ms. Stephanie Koury for her diligent stewardship of UNSMIL during the interim period.  

The A3+ also thanks the President for his briefing on the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011), concerning Libya and acknowledges the participation of the Permanent Representative of Libya in today’s meeting. 

Mr. President,

Since this Council last met on the situation in Libya, we have seen several important developments, which we believe mark a positive trajectory for Libya. These include the appointment of the new SRSG, the extension of UNSMIL’s mandate, the renewal of the sanctions regime concerning Libya, and the advancement of phase two of the municipal elections. 
Notwithstanding, the A3+ remains concerned about the lack of progress in resolving the pending issues related to the development of draft electoral laws for the convening of national elections in Libya. The holding of these elections remains one of the key issues for addressing the impasse in Libya and for ensuring that the Libyan people are fully consulted to determine their future. We urge the United Nations, and UNSMIL in particular, to intensify efforts to support Libya in advancing on this critical matter.

Mr. President, 

In that regard, the A3+ notes the establishment of an Advisory Committee as part of UNSMIL’s multi-track political initiative. We believe that an inclusive and timebound process will be beneficial in fostering dialogue and consultations with the relevant stakeholders. We stress the importance of a fully inclusive and transparent process and for keeping all stakeholders, including the people of Libya, fully informed and involved, thereby fostering trust in the process. 

The A3+ notes that this is an Advisory Committee to UNSMIL and that the proposals are meant to foster further consultations between UNSMIL and the relevant Libyan decision-makers and stakeholders. The A3+ urges careful attention to how this work is undertaken, so that it contributes to advancing progress on pending issues and avoids creating any additional challenges.

Mr. President, 

The A3+ stresses the crucial role of the representative of the 6+6 Committee in resolving the deadlock. We urge them to engage meaningfully with SRSG Tetteh towards breaking the deadlock, particularly on the disagreements over the electoral laws. We also urge the representatives to discuss politically viable proposals, that can resolve the outstanding contentious issues.

Noting the importance of restoring the trust of the Libyan people in the ongoing political processes, including the role of UNSMIL, civic participation, especially among women and youth, in these processes is essential.  We call for their meaningful engagement and participation in all political processes and for the removal of any restrictions and barriers in this regard. 

Mr. President, 

Regarding the security situation, the A3+ is deeply encouraged that the 2020 ceasefire continues to hold,  while acknowledging the fragility of the security situation and internal divisions among the security forces, which continue to demand the Council's full attention.

The A3+ cautions against any unilateral actions that may deepen discord among Libyans and further entrench institutional divisions.  Such actions, could undermine the progress made on the political track, including the revival and implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement and Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF). They could also affect Libya’s economic aspirations and the well-being of its population. 

The A3+ also emphasizes the need for Libya’s natural resources, including its oil, to be free from illegal exploitation and reiterates that these resources should be utilized solely for the benefit of the Libyan people. 

Mr. President, 

The A3+ is deeply concerned about the negative impact of the conflict in Sudan and Syria on Libya’s security apparatus. This underscores the interconnectedness of regional security and the need for collective action. We, therefore, reiterate our call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign fighters, foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya. We also stress that Libya’s territory should not be used to further military objectives in Sudan and urge full respect for Libya’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

The A3+ acknowledges the efforts of the Government to combat illegal migration, human trafficking, arms smuggling, and to secure its borders against criminal and terrorist networks, despite the significant challenges it faces. 

Mr. President, 

The A3+ firmly believes that Libya`s stability is intricately tied to the continued and meaningful engagement of the 5+5 Joint Military Committee to produce sustainable outcomes. We therefore welcome the recent agreement to establish a joint centre for communication and information exchange between the joint technical coordination team of military and security institutions in the East and West. This initiative will support institutions securing Libya’s borders, including for combating terrorism and irregular migration. 

We encourage Member States to support this initiative through cooperation under the “Security Coordinated Mechanism”, referenced in resolution 2769 (2025). 

At the same time, we emphasize the need for the Libyan authorities to ensure that safeguards are in place to protect the rights of refugees and migrants. In that regard, we are alarmed at the recent discovery of two mass graves in Libya, estimated to contain over 90 bodies, and call for a thorough investigation into the matter.

Mr. President,
Notwithstanding the importance of these security initiatives, the A3+ stresses that Libya’s long-term stability and security crucially depend on a Libyan-owned and Libyan-led political solution. 

In closing, the A3+ reiterates its unwavering support to the important role of the SRSG. We urge the Security Council to join us in supporting her efforts to contribute to a path to lasting peace, stability and growth for the Libyan people. 

I thank you.