Statement delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the UN, at the Security Council Briefing on 'Cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union in maintaining international peace and security'

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Madam President,  

Guyana welcomes the convening of this annual briefing on cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union and the opportunity it provides to take stock of the programme of cooperation between the two institutions and the future plans to expand this partnership.

I welcome High Representative Kaja Kallas, to this meeting and thank her for her insightful briefing; we commend the EU’s continued commitment to the UN and the multilateral system, as well as its contribution to peace and security.  

Madam President, 

Guyana and the European Union share a strong partnership based on shared values, our commitment to the principles of the UN Charter, including the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the political independence of States. We value this important relationship and note that these very principles also underpin the EU's partnership with the UN and the Security Council. 

We extend our appreciation for the EU’s efforts to enhance security, promote conflict prevention, post-conflict stabilisation, and in peacekeeping and peacebuilding processes. We note in this regard that the EU is among the largest financial contributors to the UN system and UN peacekeeping missions.  

In addition to the EU’s continued humanitarian support to Gaza, we commend its role in the launch of the Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two-State Solution.  We also take note of the forthcoming ninth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region,” which is anticipated to focus on the challenges faced by refugees and displaced Syrians, including on articulating a clear strategy in support of the aspirations and the needs for rights protection expressed by many Syrians and civil society groups.

Guyana also welcomes the EU’s support for the African Union Peace Support Operations, including as envisaged in resolution 2719, and resolution 2767 which endorses the AU's decision to replace the AU Transition Mission in Somalia with the AU Support and Stabilisation Mission. 

We also welcome the contribution, announced by Ms. Kallas, to the Haiti MSS mission and note it is currently being operationalized. We look forward to hearing more about the three-phased peace proposal regarding the Ukrainian crisis, and reiterate our support for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine consistent with the UN Charter.

Guyana recognises the EU as the world’s leading donor of humanitarian assistance. We also note their consistent representation of prominent thematic issues including climate change and the women, peace and security agenda.

Madam President, colleagues, we will all agree that multilateralism is under threat, including because of rising geopolitical tensions. This hinders the UN's ability to effectively address global challenges such as conflicts, climate change, reform of global institutions, among others, and can also undermine the UN’s role as a mediator for peace. As outlined in the UN Charter, regional organisations have a critical role to play in international peace and security efforts, and increasingly they have been assuming the role as first responder in various situations. Guyana, therefore, believes that enhanced cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organisations, will become even more vital in realising a world of greater peace and stability. 

The increasing risks posed by climate change to peace and security in specific contexts is an area for strengthened EU-UN cooperation. Guyana views addressing climate-security risks, including in relation to food insecurity, as an urgent objective. We welcome the EU’s collaboration with UNEP to address climate security risks, particularly through analysing the impact of climate change on security, developing early warning systems, and building resilience in vulnerable populations in Africa.

Guyana believes that investing in development is also investing in conflict prevention. We recognise the EU’s lead role in the provision of development assistance and encourages continued attention to the development needs of countries, with full consideration of their cultural and other local contexts.

In closing, Guyana views the EU as a critical partner to the UN.  This partnership must be strengthened as we maximise complementarity for a more peaceful and secure world. 

I thank you.