Statement delivered by Ms. Neishanta Benn, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Guyana at the Security Council meeting on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

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I thank the President of the Mechanism, Judge Graciela Gatti Santana and Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz for their briefings.  I welcome the participation of the representatives of Serbia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia in today’s meeting.

Guyana supports the work of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (the Mechanism) in its fight against impunity and in upholding the rule of law. We commend the progress made thus far, particularly regarding the conclusion of the core crime cases and the successful tracking of the remaining fugitives. 

The Mechanism is now truly in its residual phase, approximately 31 years since the establishment of the Ad Hoc Tribunals. Steadfast efforts were required to enable this notable achievement, and Guyana commends the Judges, the Prosecutor, and the Officers of the Mechanism for their tireless work over these three decades. 

Though it has reached a further point of transition, the Mechanism still has an important role in ensuring accountability and justice for the crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Therefore, while its functions and size must gradually diminish in accordance with resolution 1966 (2010), this must be carefully managed to allow smooth and appropriate transfer of remaining responsibilities. In this regard, we underscore the need to guarantee the protection of witnesses and survivors.

Guyana takes note of the comprehensive draft framework document which was submitted by the Mechanism to the Informal Working Group and which provides scenarios and projections for the completion of the Mechanism’s functions. In particular, we note the proposals for the treatment of the archives and the transfer of the functions of the Mechanism. Guyana believes that an updated report from the Secretary-General on the administrative and budgetary considerations relating to the the management of the archives is necessary to aid Council’s discussions on the matter. Further, a report containing recommendations for the transfer of functions from Mechanism would be helpful.


Allow me to stress the importance of co-operation and support by all States for the work of the Mechanism. Guyana is concerned that the matter of the relocation of the acquitted and released persons from Arusha to Niger in December 2021 remains unresolved and takes note of the efforts of the Mechanism to find a just solution to address this issue. We urge States to cooperate and render all necessary assistance to the Mechanism in accordance with their obligations pursuant to resolution 2637 (2022). 

Guyana commends the efforts of the Mechanism to respond to requests for assistance from national jurisdictions, which allows them to advance justice and hold perpetrators to account. 


In closing, Guyana reaffirms its full support for the work of the Mechanism, and its efforts to combat impunity and achieve justice for the victims of the atrocities committed in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. 

I thank you.